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Andrea Mann

Position: Director at Large - 1
A woman wearing a brown top hat, glasses, red jacket, smiling indoors.

Andrea was raised on a Century Farm that has been in her family since 1886. This grain and livestock farm is located in the steep and deep loamy soils of NE Nebraska. She comes from a conservation-minded progressive farming family who entered land into the early land bank programs, planting grass to stabilize highly erodible soils, installing terraces and grass waterways, planting a tree farm, and planting food crops for wildlife.

Andrea custom round bale hay to earn her way through college at the University of Nebraska Lincoln where she studied Natural Resources, Wildlife and Range Management. She began working for USDA – Soil Conservation Service as a student trainee while attending school and continued to work for them in Nebraska, Washington State and Oregon. Retiring in the Pendleton area.

In retirement, Andrea volunteers for OSU extension assisting the Master Gardener program, Master Melitologist (native bees) program, Master Food Preserver program, and studied bee keeping becoming an Apprentice Beekeeper. She also maintains a regenerative grazing program, manages pollinator habitat for bees, and leaves diverse cover for wildlife on her small acreage.

She serves on the board of her local water district, and volunteers at remote retreat centers and events as a Wilderness First Responder. She is active in the PNW Section of the Society for Range Management, serving on committees and in leadership. She is also an alumni of the Washington Agriculture and Forestry Foundation graduating with Class 15.

Andrea was recruited to this position by her small farm mentor Gus Wahner, with whom she shared an interest in regenerative and organic farming. Andrea is serving her second term since his passing.

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