City of Echo Bank Stabilization

Funding Agency: Umatilla County
Award Amount: $75,000 + $400,000 from the County, plus 2 million in Emergency Funds from the State
Project Start Date: November 2021
Projected End Date: 2024
Primary Entity: City of Echo
Project Description: The County gave the City of Echo funding to develop a design for bank stabilization immediately upstream and through the City of Echo. The City hired the engineering firm A&P to take the exisiting 10% NRCS designs to 100% and obtain the necesarry permitting. In June of 2022, an emergency erosion event took place and emergency rip-rap had to be installed to protect houses from going into the river. The funding for this project will be used to work on the mitigation stabilization design that will be required by the regulatory agencies now that the river has been fundamentally changed, and will also include two addotional location on the river outside the City of Echo.
Next Steps: Awaiting Cultural Resource finalization.
Project Timeline | Q4 2021 | Q1 2022 | Q2 2022 | Q3 2022 | Q4 2022 | Q1 2023 | Q2 2023 | Q3 2023 |
Engineer Site Visits and Data Gathering | X | X | X | |||||
Drone Flights and LiDAR Data Collection | X | X | X | |||||
*Emergency Event* | X | X | ||||||
Mitigation Meetings | X | X | ||||||
Mitigation Designs and Permitting | X | X | ||||||
Construction Funding Search | X | |||||||
Project Construction | X | X | X |