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McKay Creek Habitat Restoration Phase I (Project Complete)

A stylized logo with nature elements—mountains, trees, river—and the text "OWEB".

Granting Agency: Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board

Award Amount: $62,749

Project Start Date: April 2021

Projected End Date: September 2022

Primary Entity: Umatilla County Soil and Water Conservation District

Project Description: This project proposes to identify and begin gathering design data on project sites along McKay Creek from the base of the dam to the mouth of the creek. The majority of funds used in this grant will go towards contracting an engineer to begin the process of site selection, working with individual landowners on their property to begin designing restoration efforts. 

Next Steps: Grant Completed. Phase II not recommended for funding, project is being rolled into City of Pendleton FEMA grant. 

Project TimelineQ4 2021Q1 2022Q2 2022Q3 2022Q4 2022
Outreach and EngagementX X X
Site Visits and Data Gathering X X X X
10% Designs and Final Site VisitsX
Restoration Report X
Apply for Phase II: 100% Designs X