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Native Plants

Here are just a few of the native plants you will find in Eastern Oregon. Click on the images for plant descriptions. Native plants are great for attracting wildlife and they are usually easy to grow because they are already adapted to our climate and soils. 

The Oregon Flora Project is a large multi topic project that is a good resource if you want to learn all about plants that grow in Oregon. You can find common and scientific names and locations, identification tools, educational materials and even a wildflower ID app for your phone. Learn about all of the options here, and start using the tools here.

The Oregon Flora image projects is a great resource for images of the flora of Oregon. This information is organized by classification and scientific names, genera and species. Learn more about it here, 

Both of these projects are ongoing and being updated regularly. They are open and free to use for the public. Please Enjoy.

Stay tuned for our partnership app for iOS with the Umatilla County Weed Dept. funded by the Wildhorse Foundation & Northwest Farm Credit Services.

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