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Whitetop (Cardaria draba)

Perennial; blooms early May. Grows up to 2 ft tall. Deep-rooted. Lower leaves blue-green and lance shaped; upper leaves have two lobes clasping the stem. Many white flowers with four petals, giving plant a white, flat-topped appearance. Three known species, lens-podded, globe-podded, and heart-podded whitetop, identified by different shaped seed pods. Plants usually die back to roots in summer as seeds mature. Whitetop is a common weed species on alkaline soils, but is not restricted to them. It forms dense patches that can completely dominate sites, restricting the growth of other species or degrading pastures. The species is not toxic to livestock but neither is it grazed. No biological controls are available at this time; however sheep will graze it if it's the only thing available. Mechanical removal will work.

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